Thursday, June 24, 2010



The development of innovative strategies adopted for the creation of a network dedicated to jobs and training of tomorrow in particular with regard to Internet and knowledge technologies has lasted more than one semester.

It has been illustrate by numerous debates and exchange of arguments characterized by great diversity, and this as well in our team as between partners at meetings- especially the meeting held in Paris at French Foreign affairs Ministry on June 11 - and in particular in contact with numerous interlocutors, national and international institutions for the most-.

At the heart of this approach has been chosen in particular a strategy of hub management (explained and presented here), by abandoning decidedly the old practices tools of presentation and project management that would make our work completely misunderstood by our younger interlocutors, precisely those now positioned on the ground of new jobs and training. Its elaboration, very ambitious indeed, took more than one semester (thus beyond the deadlines), but it can only satisfy us today through multiple returns achieved.


On the occasion of the meeting between partners in Paris, we asked Vincent Ducrey- webmaster for the presidency of the French republic - to introduce to us the "system of influence" as he describes it in his recent book. This approach will be followed throughout this analysis and generally in all of our recommendations to our partners.

Through tools that characterize the jobs of internet of today and more tomorrow, every dissemination of results and analysis spring from a project requires the construction of an informational ecosystem and a mapping of the media world that corresponds to it.

This approach requires to rejecting with determination the old practices that survive today (Websites from other projects, traditional newsletter and intended to the only reading of evaluators, forums meaningless ...).
Our approach enables us in fact to abandon this traditional ways and linear to adapt us to new situations in order to benefit from a real reactivity.

Consider the different links separately- As this could have envisaged a few years ago - returns today to ignore the essential, namely the porous borders between media which is in fact a major feature of new forms of communication. Any partner who does not take this into account would release its own efforts of dissemination reduced to little.

As was stressed by Vincent Ducrey in his conclusion at the ministry of Foreign Affairs, The hub concept assumes that every project and the information it conveys has its own life cycle (In this case from three years provided and extensions of the time through complementary projects), an cycle is determined by its content, its transmitters and of course its targets. It is therefore to identify the release of dissemination that allow it to detach from its mounting and to have its own existence in the media world that we have determined.

The purpose of the dissemination of the project PIN, true to our initial determinations, aims to a global influence, in other words to be interpreted by all the relay of information required, whether the relays of the Web, traditional media relays, mobile relays or relay field.
All partners are therefore invited to participate widely in the construction of our hub, that will be the “ hub” of that global influence and in fact the real area of influence that we could build together around our common goals.

The Territories of Tomorrow Foundation has used in its strategies of dissemination to spread widely into consideration the findings of Chris Anderson in his recent writings (In the magazine "Wired" in particular) and particularly of course in his book "The Long Tail"; we remember here that its law 80-20 will be crucial for us: 20% of relaying information formed 80% of the influence of a presentation or a dissemination.

Until now, we are only concentrating (Contrary to some suggestions made at our meeting in Munich and eventually discarded) on building a network of information relays connected very close than ever, and that without there is never any central hierarchy for its dissemination.
It is in this case that the theorizing of the latest communications called "mesh in" . Concretely, this are expectations, even more specifically relay of information potentially fundamental without their small size occasionally, even as their importance about the project did not bring much previously regarded as important relays, as they could be whether public institutions, private actors, and of course especially new media like Web TV with which many programs are planned (and some already do) this year.

The key is to consider the project and its partners as much precursors in the dissemination of information and thus in the deployment of jobs concerned.
Conversely, no work has been done in the field of « mesh-out » : This was the subject of lively discussions - A document has been prepared in the same subject by a partner -, but it seemed to us perfectly useless as a project based on innovation and the future take into account the relays whose presentation itself has become today perfectly obsolete!

To establish the list of built-in relays to our hub PIN, in fact we use our recent communication operations relating to our most recent international projects. We recommend naturally and continue to recommend to all our partners to do the same and we will be also with them in the future for this purpose.

1-    The first treatment of information on the project- and the presentation of the document- allow even, as we know, for emitting low influence (Those whose name does not exceed twenty pages on Google) to benefit from a true echo. A partner must not have to underestimate the role that can perform some of their counterparts (Academic, entrepreneurial, associations, local media ...). The importance of their "localization" is obvious (substantial Importance of linguistic diversity), but we propose to this end a number of generic documents.

2-    The role of news agencies remains significant, We urge all partners to make contact with the agencies most relevant to the scale of each country (the representations especially Associated Press or Reuters) and to transmit them regularly their analyzes, articles, reflections on the news about our field ..., and transmit to us a copy so that we can help expand their dissemination.

3-    Blogs and web versions of newspapers constitute a domain of dissemination very rich, combining the ease of dissemination and importance of their impact. Those responsible for this websites of newspapers are looking in fact such "contributions", just as, by definition, sites live from contributions made to them (THE POST in France). Here also, we are available to our partners not used to identify and manage such informational materials.

4-    The news channels Thematic is our future partners in excellence. In France, we work so especially with BFM TV.

5-    The aggregators, like including Google, are also often an excellent partners, through, again, national representations and even local, because here they are specially often confronted to the search for profiles not always easy to find.

6-    It is the same for mobile operators. We work in our case with ORANGE which has ORANGE LABS dedicated specifically to all new forms of informational dissemination.

7-    Regarding radios, on the one hand local station, specialized on the other hand are among the most faithful. BFM RADIO is the illustration that we concerne. 

8-    The written press the most innovative (Which has such applications on iPhone or IPAD), like the example of the TRIBUNE or the ECHOS in France- and therefore are necessarily aware of our problems- as well as free newspapers (Local versions of METRO in the first place!) are a prime targets for our dissemination. It is the same for the newspaper LE MONDE that allowing in the first page of a special supplements an article by Laura Garcia Vitoria.

9-    The mobilization of actors most concerned and participation requires our integration in the entire field of twitterature. We have not had time to prepare during our meeting in Paris the diffusion of twits summarizing gradually the interventions of the different speakers, it will be essential that we expect this at our next meeting, as it is true that the micro-bloging is now part of any meeting as it is so little serious of this nature. We did it at events such as PARIS 2.0 or MARSEILLE 2.0 and the dissemination of our analysis is found in fact significantly increased.

10-    In terms of social networks, we will return in the second part of this presentation. The subject will be again discussed in regard to online tools of PIN, still today relatively poor, but that the dissemination will give a real boost particularly through the large family of social networks and their interactions necessarily multiple with the future site of reference.

11-    In terms of formation of a true photographic coverage on FLICKR and making presentations as well on DAILY MOTION as on YOUTUE (We refer to other presentations on these sites that will be found under the heading "TERRITORIES OF TOMORROW"), It is important that partners send to us the photos taken during meetings or concerning their institutions.

12-    In terms of blogs and webzines, we must all make a real effort to evoke in all logs or personal theme our contributions and reflections on the theme of our project. We all have at least one blog- Laura Garcia holds four blogs in which it is concerned- and if this is not the case we recommend to all partners to open one to make it an additional and local tool of distribution of our common work. We recommend doing one of three tools most convenient: BLOGGER of course, WORDPRESS mainly and possibly TYPE PAD. We will ensure the alignment of the blogs that everyone has decided to open.

13-    The Wikis can not be confined to Wikipedia that we know the contested place by most players in our field. We suggest- and suggest for everyone - rather to participate in a joint reflection on future tools and technologies of knowledge whose our subject is a central element, with for example the mapping of skills.

14-    The site impact will be primarily a working line for the coming year, with such broadcasters Press (our contacts with PRESSTALIS) and particularly the new forms of information dissemination through the urban furniture of tomorrow and firms with large employing of jobs of the Internet as DECAUX.

15-    The analyzers of opinion are also among our contacts of the next year (OPINIONWAY): for the time being, we simply recommend a first contacts information with themselves and especially their regular customers in order to benefit, in time, from an insertion of our problems in one of their future investigations. 

16-    The influence groups, finally, constitute clearly the raw material of our contacts. In our case, we particularly recommend contacts with makers’ decisions and regional players, associations of elected and officials and experts from think tank.

We have already assembled a large body of information on each of these points.
On each of them, we will provide to the project partners the tools which we appear the most appropriate and at the same time will throw new light on a number of new jobs. We will remain faithful in any case to this mapping of targets relay.


The second component of our approach proposes to build on hundreds of social networks that the Foundation has so far identified and for which the theme of PIN is a real subject of discussion and debate.

It is not necessary to mention here too long, but to enumerate and define which we appear to be the most relevant.

To contact a young public, mostly students. We recommended networks as ETNOKA.
For the same, HUZZ is a social network dedicated to employment, as well as JOBMEETERS.
By registering in the community IGLOO, we can also, testing programs in beta version and be connected to many professionals – whose one party is directly derived from the world of the Internet -.
Although more elitist, we would name well that- Global contrary to what seems to speak its name- FRENCHTUESDAYS.
We will ensure that these communities don’t ignore nothing of PIN....

Some are interesting for PIN precisely because of the precision of their targeting: it evokes so many jobs on the Internet as the network of FINROAD, but in an ecosystem is that of the finance.

It is the same for the world of real estate gathered around IMMOWEBPARTNER.
Very different, but it is also highly specialized, the network of HEJORAMA is devoted to
e-tourism, real Technologies Lab 2.0, or 3.0 in the matter.

AMODUS is a private community composed mainly of business leaders innovative and creative, which organizes several major European and global cities among them our project may be a real subject. We really speaks of new skills necessitated by the knowledge economy, a bit like - even if the cultural formulations is sometimes different- from the Indian APNA CIRCLE or the New Yorkan APRIVATECLUB.    

Very close, a network such as FORBES, also widely open to questions of technology and employment; its sub-networks have a quasi-autonomous life and often quite interesting. INTERNATIONS, based in Germany, seems equally useful for our purposes.

Anecdotally, we also include a network technologically highly targeted as devoted to knowledge and practices regarding the use of devices. It is completely located in our field, largely tinged with geek culture: GDGT.


The whole tools of dissemination have been sending to all partners and their returns allow us to specify the expectations of everyone and of course the analysis of relevance of each of the sixteen areas mentioned. 

We emphasize the fact that we will be regularly alongside partners both to develop relationships with actors in their own ecosystem - as implied natural by any strategy of hub management-, but we will also make sure to harmonizing closely all of these actions.

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