(Avril 2010)
The concept of dissemination is largely associed with the name of Jacques Derrrida: that in fact propagates through it, witch multiples irreducibly is difficult to be grasped in longhand, logocentric. It is a another writing disseminator.
It has therefore been necessary - in close liaison with project partners, but also those of the Foundation - we bring a solid scientific basis. This allowed us an early release of our very fast dissemination - in the sense given by Derrida that term - in terms of creating a new generation of tools or materials and information to our presentations and seminars international events.
Laura Garcia Vitoria
The assessment of skills through the territories
New horizons are necessary for the management and evaluation techniques and for the hiring of future profiles in the context that is the genesis of a knowledge economy. To achieve this aim, new tools are required, especially in terms of self-evaluation. But this assumes that overall support through territories for those who are involved in local decision taken at a sufficiently broad to the needs of your business and especially in comparison devices attractive in terms of skills.
If, indeed, the fundamental work on the professional profiles and the dynamics that can lead to territorial level have been carried out since the last fifteen years, if the first applications in the field have been implemented during the first decade of this century, now should proceed not only to the aggregation of all available instruments, but also make them available to many regional players as possible.
Citizens of the cities called the "knowledge cities" allow them to develop an image of creativity and competitiveness, or even develop strategies to "learn from the city" with the objective of becoming human capital a ferment of innovation ecosystems and the pooling of knowledge.
Therefore the consolidation and the regular updating of knowledge of each one, appears as a central condition of employability. This requires the acceptance of diversity of knowledge transparency, the close cooperation between all holders of knowledge and the ability to cope complex situations.
The interaction between knowledge workers (who are citizens of tomorrow) to do this should be a real extension of the most successful approaches in this field. Without it, the ability to generate new creative paths between the know-how diminishes. In addition, the cities and the territories of the intelligence that developed around the world often are based on specific areas of encounter and exchange, however the uniqueness of the needs analysis is not denied, away from it: once again self-assessment will have to play their role.
The recognition of a knowledge, certification strategies, building communities of practice, the standardization of certain skills - even its maps - the field of knowledge to be priority (through key competences by the OECD, for example): all of them are implications of an effort due to the concern of a territorial action to improve their environment, skills and effectiveness.
This is the meaning of the commitment of the Foundation of Territories of Tomorrow in their effort to disseminate best practices and trends and results of the projects and analysis of the results of project development as it is discussed here.
If, indeed, the fundamental work on the professional profiles and the dynamics that can lead to territorial level have been carried out since the last fifteen years, if the first applications in the field have been implemented during the first decade of this century, now should proceed not only to the aggregation of all available instruments, but also make them available to many regional players as possible.
Citizens of the cities called the "knowledge cities" allow them to develop an image of creativity and competitiveness, or even develop strategies to "learn from the city" with the objective of becoming human capital a ferment of innovation ecosystems and the pooling of knowledge.
Therefore the consolidation and the regular updating of knowledge of each one, appears as a central condition of employability. This requires the acceptance of diversity of knowledge transparency, the close cooperation between all holders of knowledge and the ability to cope complex situations.
The interaction between knowledge workers (who are citizens of tomorrow) to do this should be a real extension of the most successful approaches in this field. Without it, the ability to generate new creative paths between the know-how diminishes. In addition, the cities and the territories of the intelligence that developed around the world often are based on specific areas of encounter and exchange, however the uniqueness of the needs analysis is not denied, away from it: once again self-assessment will have to play their role.
The recognition of a knowledge, certification strategies, building communities of practice, the standardization of certain skills - even its maps - the field of knowledge to be priority (through key competences by the OECD, for example): all of them are implications of an effort due to the concern of a territorial action to improve their environment, skills and effectiveness.
This is the meaning of the commitment of the Foundation of Territories of Tomorrow in their effort to disseminate best practices and trends and results of the projects and analysis of the results of project development as it is discussed here.
L’évaluation des compétences à l’échelle des territoires
La evaluación de habilidades a través de los territorios
La evaluación de habilidades a través de los territorios