Friday, July 23, 2010


SEMINAR "THE NEW JOBS OF INTERNET". Organized by theTerritories of  Tomorrow Foundation, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Paris, 10, 11 JUNE 2010 (Diaporama)

17:00 PM: TV program "New Jobs of Internet " Tech Toc TV.
  •  Pierre Pougnaud (Ministère des Affaires Étrangères et Européennes),
  •  Mamadou Diop (Président ISEG/CESMI, Responsable du Living Lab Africain à Dakar),
  • André Jean Marc Loechel, (Président de la Fondation des Territoires de Demain),
  • Laura Garcia Vitoria (Présidente d’ARENOTECH), 
  • Hafid Ramdani (Fondation des Territoires de Demain).
Sur la chaîne Ressources humaines: Tv ProInterNet (PIN): Les nouveaux métiers de l'Internet
Sur la chaîne Tech Toc TV: Les nouveaux métiers de l'internet: l'Europe est-elle prête?
Diaporama du 10 - 06 - 2010: dîner-débat 

Friday, July 9, 2010


Présentation de la disemination du projet ProInterNet/PIN au Parlement européen le 8 juillet 2010 par la Fondation des Territoires de Demain

Territories of Tomorrow Foundation
  • Project Title: ProInterNet – PIN
  • Project Type: Thematic Network Project
  • Programme: LLP – Leonardo da Vici
  • Agreement N°: 2009-2204/001-001
  • Version: April/June 2010
  • Authors:Territories of Tomorrow Foundation
  • Pages: 84
  1. SUMMARY APRIL MAY 2010: 35 pages 
  2. SEMINAR 10 / 11 JUNE 2010: 3 pages
  7. ANNEX : 3 pages
Activity Report - 11 Pages

Calendrier ProInterNet de janvier à juillet 2010
1. Réunion de coordination du Projet européen "ProInternet", Munich, le 18 janvier 2010.
2. Université Intégrale, en collaboration avec Complex'cite , Fondaterra et le soutien de l'Afscet, Paris, le 23 Janvier 2010.
3. TECHNOARK 2010, "Les nouveaux espaces numériques", Sierre (Suisse), 29 janvier 2010
4. "For a Euro-Mediterranean Network of Living Labs / Pour un réseau Euro-Méditerranéen des Living Labs" au Premier Colloque "Future Cities", dont la Fondation Territoires de Demain est partenaire, Malte, 18, 19 fevrier 2010.
5. Conseil d'administration de la SOLEP (Evaluation et prospective), Luxembourg, 26 février 2010
6. "The Euromedlab initiative.The development of a euro-mediterranean ecosystem of living labs and innovation spaces" dans le cadre de la journée ICT– enabled sustainability in “smart” cities, Malte, 3 rd March 2010.
7. Journée de conclusion du programme européen C@R, Bruxelles, 3 mars 2010
8. "The European network Digital Cities and the project Connecting to Smart Cities in the Mediterranean EU regions" - dans le cadre de la journée internationale CIP ICT PSP project preparatory meeting, MIMCOL, Malta , 4rd March 2010.
9. Conférence «Le management du futur» au Conseil de l’Europe, Strasbourg, 8 - 9 mars 2010.
10. "Innovation et prospective" Séminaire de la Fondation des Territoires de Demain - Programme international 2040, organbisé par UNESCO - Fondation des Territoires de Demain, le 11 mars de 10h à 12h30 et de 15h à 17h30, Unesco, Paris.
11. Paris 2.0, le 12 mars 2010 13 heures 30 à 18 heures à l'Espace Kiron - 10, rue La Vacquerie - 75011 Paris.
12. Visioconférence à l’ISEG de Dakar à l’occasion de l’annonce de la création du Living Lab "African Living Lab ISEG/UNIDAF"/Université Internationale de la Diaspora Africaine UNIDAF avec le partenariat de la Fondation, le 15 mars2010.
13. Réunion du Groupe de prospective de la SOLEP avec le CNAM, le 25 mars 2010.
14. Déjeuner-débat sur le thème de «L'expertise française, facteur de rayonnement et d'attractivité» du Collège européen des experts en administration publique autour de la Directrice des Politiques de Mobilité et Attractivité, Direction générale de la Mondialisation, du Développement et des Partenariats au Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes, Paris, le 1er avril 2010.
15. «Tendances informatiques: Marrakech 2015», Acadys France et IT6 Maroc, Marrrakech, 8 et 9 avril 2010.
16. Projet de création d'un Fonds de dotation à vocation européenne dédié à la créativité territoriale. Présentation d’un projet de création d’un think tank et d’un Fonds de dotation à vocation européenne dédié au soutien à l’innovation, à la créativité et à l’entrepreneuriat socio-économique de nos territoires. La rencontre aura lieu à Paris le jeudi 8 avril 2010.
17. Réunion "Living Lab et Internet du Futur", Université Polytechnique de Valence, Espagne, le 14 avril 2010
18. Réunion du conseille d'Administration de la SOLEP , Ministère de l'économie, Luxembourg, 16 avril 2010
19. Séminaire "Marseille 2013", La Fondation des Territoires de Demain a organisé le 5 mai 2010 son séminaire "Marseille 2013".
20. Marseille 2.0, Marseille, 5-7 mai 2010
21. Conférence finale du projet URBACT « EGTC » ( Expertising Governance for Transfrontier Conurbations), Esztergom (Hongrie), les 6-7 mai 2010.
22. "Vers la réforme du système de comptabilité nationale et du PBI", organisé par le Conseil Economique et Social et le Conseil Supérieur pour un Dévéloppement Durable du Grand Duché de Luxembourg, le 19 mai 2010.
23. 3ème Forum Luxinnovation, "Business Meets Research", Luxembourg, le 19 mai 2010
24. "Territoires numériques intelligents", Digipolis, Montbéliard, 26 et 27 mai 2010 (Intervention "Territoires numériques intelligents" et présentation de PorInterNet, Digipolis, Montbéliard, 26 et 27 mai 2010 (The mutation of our cognitives environnements)
25. Réunion création du Forum Citoyen et de son fonds de dotation dédié à l'Europe, le 7 juin 2010, Paris
26. Séminaire "Les nouveaux métiers de l'Internet". Organisé par la Fondation des Territoires de Demain au Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et Européennes, Paris, le 10-11 Juin 2010.
27. SEMINAR "THE NEW JOB OF INTERNET". Organized by theTerritories of Tomorrow Foundation, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Paris, 10, JUNE 2010.

28. Intervention au Parlement Européen, Presentation de la disemination du projet PIN, Strasbourg, le 8 juillet 2010

29. Mobilisation de l'expertise des collectivités à l'international au Sénat, organisé par le Ministère des Affaire Etrangères et Européennes, 19 juillet 2010.
30. Jounées du réseau français à l'étranger,  Jounées du réseau français à l'étranger: La France à l'écoute du monde, organisé par le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères , Paris, 19 - 21 juillet 2010 


During the first reporting period, TERRITORIES OF TOMORROW FOUNDATION was involved in his work package 5 (dissemination) and a great number of tasks (cf. the project proposal).

From the beginning of the project, we emphasized to our stakeholders and partners that our projects of dissemination are widely linked throughout the semester to an agenda particularly dependent on a number of official meetings.  
This difficult challenge- which was particularly especially not to define a global strategy without the major international institutions could not be contacted and proposed themselves the terms of their contributions and partnerships- has quickly been mostly successful and permit the organization of twelve meetings and interventions where the project and our activities of dissemination were widely mentioned, but also viewed in the context of the finalization of the forward-looking on Europe of tomorrow (digital agenda, Europe 2020, report “Europe 2030“…), finalization which we have tried to widely participate, as well as various parallel works, conducted at national and regional scales).
1. The meeting between partners in Munich initiated the semester of meetings, although it was unfortunately limited on the one hand to only people representing the entities involved in the project and on the other hand locating in a simple hotel in outskirts of Munich. While we regret this vision of a kick-of minimalist, very far from the broad horizons of the project, without deploying any effort towards medias and the official authorities, the meeting however gave the signal for a large number of meetings whose we have taken the initiative in the weeks that followed.   
2. A long series of informal meetings in Madrid was organized from the beginning of our dissemination: it would indeed have been difficult to develop the expected synergies disregarding the Spanish presidency. For several days, We have thus met with the stakeholders of the subject in the field of media, audiovisual, telecommunications ... In addition to countless of information, these meetings have allowed us to measure specific expectations with respect to the project: the prospective dimension must transcend the very simple inventory of  today and of course the tools of dissemination based largely on the social networks and generally on the most innovative technology evoked not only through the existing training, but actually implemented in the project management and particular based on a specific site to it.
3. A series of meetings in Luxembourg constituted the third pillar in the establishment of our dissemination. We thus aim to incorporate the PIN theme of training and jobs of the internet in the current prospective reflections conducted by the Grand Duchy, particularly through the discussions held at the European Bank of Investment within which the project was discussed at length, as well as in Tudor Centre or at the Chamber of Commerce.
4. Our presentation of conclusion of the days spent by the Council of Europe to the economics of creativity March 9, 2010 focused on the theme “Places and links (Living labs, Jobs of Internet and disruptive innovation)“ (Conference "The Future of Management", Strasbourg, 8 to 9 March 2010). The results will be strong synergies with the Council of Europe in this field. The large Quebecquois delegation to the conference also requested to be involved closely in the developing of the project within the framework of relations between the EC and Canada.
5. The seminar on "Prospective and Innovation" that we organized at Unesco in Paris March 11 was especially designed to help us in defining our global strategy, particularly in conjunction, as indicated at the outset, with the major international institutions. We are expecting to develop in this area a common strategy with Unesco, an upcoming appointment with the general direction is expected in this regard.
6. The Malta meeting was intended - as in Luxembourg - to create an ecosystem of dissemination which is one of the characteristics of the dissemination already developed by our team in other European projects in the field of culture and training: it is - through such a methodological approach - to gather in an reduces area if possible all actors potentially interested in the topic of our network, in order to get a quick reactivity and a real interaction. This was made possible in Malta through issues such as the establishment of the Euro-Mediterranean network of Smart Cities and especially of places largely devoted to prospective questions- such as the Center of Innovation considered one of the reference sites in this area since "the year 2009 of the creativity and innovation"-.
7. If our intervention in Marrakech transcends obviously clear the European borders of dissemination oft he project, nevertheless, we decided to present the objectives on the occasion of “Marrakesh 2015“. Several major players in close relationship with the European Community - such as the Mohammed VI Foundation - have at this opportunity offered to use the tools of European cooperation and also those of the Union for the Mediterranean to present our future recommendations.
8. We took advantage of Bar Camp and the meeting of the Living Labs held in Valencia – here also under the Spanish presidency- in close association with the European Commission and dedicated to areas of innovation, disruptive innovation and therefore the impact on human resources to discuss PRO INTERNET. This is a major part of our dissemination that will be brought to materialize this year 2010 into a real "target group": this is the clusters and the polarities of skills, where the creation of our thematic network is awaited (“Living Lab and the Internet of the Future”, Polytechnic University of Valencia, 14 April 2010).
9. The meetings "Marseille 2.0" – and also "Paris 2.0" - were largely dedicated to a young audience - young employees, but also creators of startups -. We have again received many questions relating to the analysis which will be developed in the future by our project. The debate showed how today the lists of jobs related to the Internet are now analysis grids notoriously insufficient and we should modify them accordingly. 
10. The participation in the closing round table conference “Intelligent Digital Territories“ (Digipolis, Montbeliard, 26 and 27 May, 2010) enabled the presentation of the PorInterNet alongside the Senator Krattinger, Vice-President of the Senate delegation to local government and decentralization. A presentation in workshop accompanied this evocation on the theme: “The mutation of our cognitive environments “.
11. The seminar held in Paris at the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs on June 11 was largely dedicated to discussions between partners, but tried not to renew the error of the first meeting by opening it from the beginning of the afternoon at the institutional and economic actors, to involve them most closely to the project. After the dinner-discussion of the eve with a specialist of the Ministry of Education, three of them presented their own analysis: two specialists from the OECD, two developers of the application "Culture Click" in the major fields of geolocation and the reality increased and, finally, the webmaster for the Presidency of the French Republic. Several public institutions have on that occasion expressed their full support to the dissemination of the project so that this thematic network does not become a network of more, but seen as a central axis of development for Europe in 2020.
12. The intervention at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on July 8 in the intergroup of younger members concluded the work of our semester. It allows many exchanges with especially Mr. Jao Delgado, responsible of Leonardo da Vinci programs in the European Commission, and also, Gianni Pittella, the first Vice-President of the European Parliament. These meetings symbolize the vital role that must be played by the political actors in the projects and Leonard da Vinci networks. In this occasion also, the Italian deputy responsible for the operation of Cities of Youth- this year TORINO- expressed its intention to invite us to discuss about PIN, a European deputy will introduce us in its report, an official from chambers of trade rejoin our dissemination, a European journalist will discuss PIN soon on an  European information website…
The calendar is currently being finalized, in close liaison with partners.
2.1. A dual priority work in Brussels
2.2. The framework of “the diplomacy of knowledge“
2.3. The European expertise
2.4. The ecosystems of dissemination
Our calendar will focus anyway on the positioning of our thematic network in the center of prospective devices of the Commission in the one hand, in close liaison with the local authorities of the countries partners in the project, but also all the European Union countries.   
1.1.1. At the European level, this dual priority will result first in a presentation in September at the European Parliament in Brussels in response to our intervention in Strasbourg.
We have retained the principle in any case of regular meetings with the parliamentary representatives across all of Europe – which in fact much already know the project and are ready to concretely support the establishment of the network -.
1.1.2. At the European level still, it will result then in close collaboration with the Committee of Regions in Brussels and in a workshop that we will have to be co-hosting in early October.
Nationally, Pro Web will be the subject of many presentations.
 2.2.1. In terms of France, The project will be presented especially to:
• A meeting of prospective in Lower Normandy in late August
• An academic conference on jobs in the city of tomorrow early September
• A conference in Paris in late September on the knowledge and mobility.
2.2.2. In the other countries, apart from France and Belgium already mentioned we plan to leverage the European cultural institutes, as well as networks of diplomatic representations in the various countries of the European Union where collaboration through the transmission systems of knowledge has become recently a priority.
Is scheduled for late July, the participation and an evocation of PIN during a meeting in Paris of the institutes which consider now as priority issues such as ours.
Many exchanges are already underway with all partners in this regard.
• In Spain, we work with our colleague at an event in the Basque Country, in Bilbao and San Sebastian from the month of September where our thematic network will be widely discussed.
• In Switzerland, we reflect upon the months of July to a global initiative around a major event in Geneva in close relationship with several international institutions (International Telecommunication Union, United Nations ...).
• During the fall, an event will be offered in Budapest in close association with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology.
• We will propose during the summer to our German partners a series of meetings in both Baden Württemberg and in Bavaria.
•  Similar proposals will be made to our other partners, both in Greece and in Poland.
Several institutional proposals have already been made to us that we want to share them with our partners, such an important event in Vienna before the end of the year, an event dedicated to European expertise in its new businesses and knowledge.
It is going by itself that we will follow also the development of our presentations in the other European countries as those participating in the project of network and especially in the “ecosystems of dissemination” that can be ours- Luxembourg and Malta-. 
A presentation is already well provided for in Luxembourg in December 2010.
We had one major shift in our field: that of start-up schedule that we have seen fit to delay rather widely in order, as already noted above, to reflect actually the involvement and the concrete proposals especially from the international institutions, and not to impose the “old” steps of dissemination.
Our objective here is dissemination 2.0 close to the target audiences - especially given that we have also completely reformatted the grid name -.
Many activities have accompanied the Events axes evoked, and this essentially at two levels:  a considerable number of meetings of institutional and economic actors and of course, in the first place (even if only to leverage the audiences of our event presentations) – a real strategies of media.
4.1 During the first six months: an implementation of real innovative media strategies.
Indeed, we have to abandon the old mentally patterns conveyed by sites of showcase, observatories without rigorous comments equipped with a real ethical and methodological rules, without even mentioning the gadgets fully inoperable: we passed from the postcard on the Internet to the microbloging in a real time!
A true collaborative website dedicated fully and exclusively to the project ProInterNet / PIN (and not an ancient site on previous projects) we were sorely missed at the semester. The dimension of non-collaborative tools has deterred de facto the partners from all useful help.
In addition, the use of Google groups encountered, as usual, by multiple dissatisfaction and distrust. This lack of reliable tools must be imperatively repaired in order to enable all partners and in particular as regards the dissemination to intervene directly on the site without going through other hands. The distribution of tasks in this regard has been the subject of much confusion, even failing to allow certain partners to distribute their own work properly.
The dissemination of the network of actors that we have thus widely begun to build itself will be-mentally as well as technologically- in perfect agreement with the changes in employment (their profiles, knowledge thus shared ...) born of the impacts of the intangible economy.
We proposed thus a strategy fundamentally based on social networks, the press and online media and especially television on the Internet. The first transmission has been conducted by the technological channel TECH TOC TV: “What are the new jobs of emerging Web?" in April 18, 2010 and the second - announcing upcoming shoots around our theme – in June 10.
4.2. Many officials and institutional and economical actors have been met, mostly from our own databases and networks of actors. By a simple illustration of target profiles, we will mention here (except of course the various players already mentioned in the document of 82 pages “D5. Dissemination Strategy and Implementation Plan April - June 2010 and annex).
Outside the European Union, have shown their interest in our meetings...
The impact of the first months of dissemination has exceeded all our expectations.
The diversity of interlocutors has completely disrupted the old categorizations of target audiences where some distracting for example to distinguish jobs by size of business...
In our discussions, the old boundaries contrary disappear between Western and Eastern Europe, the public and the private, the start-ups and other... This is a mixed reality of traditional functions and new professional horizons that is emerging and that we will all meet in and around our thematic network.  
5.1 The national level has demonstrated the commitment of large institutions and ministry who on these issues respond positively to our questions. In several countries - Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, and Hungary - we can very quickly have a real mobilization.
5.2 The regional level is undoubtedly today for our network the richest in potentials and interests expressed so often extremely diverse, and this particular especially in Spain.
5.3 The European and international level has enabled us to measure the quality of our interviews with a twenty of figures from the European Commission, but also with multiple partners of international institutions announcing all their presence at all events we are preparing and of which we have been described above (OECD, UNDP, ITU, Council of Europe...).
We can be estimated on the date of July 15, 2010 that there are approximately 5000 people who attended the presentations on our network.
Many have asked us for additional information to fully follow our initiative and it will not be the least of the challenges as to manage lists that we are currently completing and meeting the diverse of expectations that we have noted. 
Among these, much regretted the presence in this field of amateurs not recognized by either the academic and university field or by the economic and political forums. This will be the role of a scientific council open and recognized from all- that we are currently constitute it to support us - that validate the analysis we have to make in the context of our dissemination.
Among fifty workshops of various types which we have been given to participate, it is important to remember that ten were particularly important in the genesis of the network and the Scientific Council for naturally accompany it:
1. “Connecting to Smart Cities in the Mediterranean EU regions: Euro-Mediterranean Knowledge and Innovation Communities", Day "Smart Cities / Future Internet", organized by the European Commission, Brussels, January 15, 2010.
2. "The training-action-research projects”, Integral University, in collaboration with Complex'cité, Fondaterra and the support of the AFSCET, The Club of Budapest France, Paris, January 23, 2010.
3. TECHNOARK 2010, "The new digital spaces", Sierre (Switzerland), January 29, 2010
4. Day of conclusion of the European program C @ R, Brussels, March 3, 2010
5. Lunch debate on the theme of "French expertise, radiation and attractiveness factor" from European College of Experts in Public Administration around the director of Policy of Mobility and Attractiveness, General direction of globalization, development and Partnerships to the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Paris, 1 April, 2010.
6. Project to establish an endowment fund with a European vocation dedicated to the territorial creativity. Presentation of a project to create a think tank and an endowment fund with a European vocation dedicated to supporting innovation, creativity and socio-economic entrepreneurship of our territories, Paris, April 8, 2010.
7. Seminar "Marseille 2013, Marseille," The Boat "(Small Factory of Innovation), May 5, 2010.
8. 3rd Forum "Luxinnovation", "Business Meets Research", Luxembourg, May 19, 2010.
9. The Civic Forum and its endowment fund dedicated to Europe, Paris, June 7, 2010.
10. Dinner-debate with Mrs Saskia Sassen (Columbia University), in the framework of the Circle Environment & Society, Paris, Hotel Bristol, June 16, 2010